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NOTE: Some anti-virus scanners report that one or more of the tools are infected with a virus. None of the Small Utilities Suite or others SoftSpecialists utilities contain viruses, but they may be used by viruses, which is why they may trigger virus notifications.
If you are passionate about software tools, this is the right site for you. Here you can find the right tool with which you can save hours of tedious and repetitive work, they also help you automate your activities so you have everything under control and more time to spend for you. All applications are safe and respect your privacy because they do not collect usage data.
In this section there are utilities for old operating systems such as DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 9x and for more recent ones starting from Windows 2000.
The most recent tools are composed of Small utilities, a suite of native applications and .NET. The applications for managed code are organized into .NET Core and .NET Framework.
So let's enjoy with them!